The streets are very narrow- a labyrinth of high buildings. You have to dodge piles of smouldering ashes, enormous cows and motorbikes. If you want to imagine Varanasi then just think: Ankh Morpork.
We arrived during the Holi celebration of the full moon and eclipse. Holi is a celebration of Krishna's lascivious nature so it's a bit dangerous for girls to go out in the height of the excitement. People throw coloured dyes all over each other, staining the streets and even the dogs pink, blue and purple.
We have heard a whisper that a mysterious innuit by the name of Nunniwokingak has been seen sipping chai, yes my olds, and speaking in strange tongue. But this is yet to be confirmed.
Bonjour. my petites amies des Indes. It is true, then, Mr Nuniwokingkac has still his wanderings? In Goa he was telling me how there is good room for two proud canadians to make business. many people are chilled, he says. This is just our bag, truly. We a
are very cold, too! But now you say he is in this burning city of Varanasi and, you are right, below the paint and power I see Mr Nuniwokingkac's friendly face, I think (you know how he broke his front teeth on a tough Guillemot - maybe I tell the droll tale later. If you see him, say his old Friend jacques keeps watch and a candle is burning in the window - or maybe I, myself, the intrepid voyageur will take on India, too, and become le vrai Quebecois mediataionel!
I never truly understood…why the need…?
Why do feet itch…?
What is it about standing still and obtaining roots that saddens us so…?
All I ever long for is to be free…all I ever want is to see…
"Vayur anilam amrtam
athedarin bhasmantarin
"Let this temporary body be burnt to ashes
and let the air of life be merged with the totality of air" ( 17th mantra of the teachings of the Vedas(knowledge)
Seek out Windle Poons, oldest wizard in the Unseen university....'wizards really knew..... if the cause of death was simply a case of running out of life...well, you knew. You generally got the premonition in time to return your library books and borrow large sums of money from your friends'
DON'T BUY ANY 'RAT ON A STICK'.That Dibbler would cut his own throat!
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